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Drawer systems

Many company cars are cluttered due to a lack of clever storage space. As a result, you have to search for the right materials and tools before you can finally start the job.

Can't find something? Do you have to go back to get parts or tools? That costs time and money. After all, one minute of searching costs you or your customer 1 euro! Moreover, it is frustrating, both for the customer and for yourself. Do you recognize this problem? Then our unique drawer system as in-vehicle equipment is the solution for you! Look at our possibilities for floor drawers in your company car.

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Why a drawer system?

Our drawer system is very different from the traditional brands of in-vehicle equipment. We work with drawers on the floor of the car, rather than racks against the side walls. This allows you to use the full width of the storage space. Our unique drawer system offers even more advantages:

  • Uncluttered storage of all materials;
  • Bring more materials due to the high capacity of 100 kg per drawer;
  • Easily find materials by working with a standard storage space;
  • BEKS-Systems - ALU-line.webp
  • BEKS-Systems Ladesysteem.webp
  • Tools will last a lot longer due to safe storage;
  • Simple stock management;
  • Preserves the (flat) truck bed so broad objects can easily be transported; 
  • Saves fuel by using light materials and optimal weight distribution;
  • Better safety due to a low centre of gravity and the prevention of materials lying around;
  • Prevention of theft due to the cargo not being visible from the outside and by working with lockable drawers;
  • High ergonomics by not having to bend down or climb in and out of the load compartment of the car.


The BEKS ALU-line drawer system consists of lightweight and durable materials. Aluminium is the main component. The ALU-line is of modular construction. This construction ensures that the individual drawers can be linked together in height and width without restriction. Combined with the 11 different depths, BEKS offers over 5.5 million different configurations! These different possibilities can be further expanded with a selection of accessories.

Because of this large number of different possibilities, we can produce the system entirely according to your wishes and you can take along everything you need. The drawer system is easy to build and always fits. 

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